An Indoor Banana Tree! We can grow our own bananas in our home, and have plenty of them! For only $10!! Plus, we get an extra tree for free! What a great deal, and how fun it will be to be able to literally pick our favorite breakfast fruit directly from a tree in our kitchen!
This is a great gift for people who want to be able to grow their own food within their homes. This is also great for people living in Apartment buildings, who want to be able to grow some of their own food, but don't necessarily have the land available to do so. I would have loved this so much a year ago while I was living in an apartment, and will love it now while we don't have our garden set up yet!
Grow Your Own Delicious Bananas Indoors! Bananas are the perfect ingredient for cereal, pancakes, muffins and bread. Five times the vitamin A, five times the iron, 3 times the phosphorus and lots of potassium. Buy 1 Plant, Get 1 Plant FREE - only $10 + S&H Click Here
Disclaimer: My opinions as always are my own. This post may contain affiliate links.
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ReplyDeleteI just used the default, if I remember correctly.