Thursday, June 6, 2013

What are your thoughts on this?!

It's been a while since I've posted anything and asked for you all to participate a little. I am really curious as to what you think about this.

I just read an article that another blogger posted on Facebook. It caught my attention, because this particular issue (that I am sure occurs nationwide,) occurred and is being written about in Maine (It is rare that there is a lot of newsworthy stuff up there.. Part of the reason I love it so much!), which is where I grew up.

The article, which you can read here, and another one here; is about children being denied lunch at school when money is owed for previously consumed food.

Basically, the article spoke about an 11-year old student, who owed about $53 on their lunch account, so he ended up sitting in the cafeteria among his peers who were eating, with no food.  According to both articles, their policy states that during the last week of school, children who owe on their lunch accounts are denied school lunches.  The article also stated that this policy is only in affect for middle and high school students.

I have mixed feelings about all of this.  Ultimately, parents are responsible for ensuring that their children are fed, and if they are opting to allow them to consume school lunches, than they are responsible for making sure that those lunches are paid for.  I understand where the school systems are coming from.  When lunches aren't paid for, the money to provide them has to come from somewhere, but at the same time, I feel like kids are being punished for their parents not providing.

At between $2 and $3 for a lunch, $53 seems like a lot to owe.  That's a lot of lunches that weren't paid for, and free and reduced lunch pricing options are available (I believe in most places?) for parents that legitimately cannot afford lunch, so there's really not an excuse.  I do, however, know that when I was old enough to get a job, I either brought lunch from home, or I bought it myself.

I want to hear your thoughts on all of this.  Do you know what the policies are for your children's schools?  What's your opinion? Share in the comments!

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