When I am looking for ideas for things to do with my daughter, (particularly crafts, and things to help her learn) I often find the best ideas when I'm just walking through the craft or book sections in stores like Wal-Mart, Target, or even the grocery store. One day, I was grocery shopping, and the store had little fuzzy balls, feathers and colorful pipe cleaners. I bought one of each, and brought them home and we made birds (This is actually what I spoke about in my first post: http://themomshow.blogspot.com/2011/09/hi-there-name-is-april-and-i-have.html)
There are other times, that you can go to these stores, and they have craft ideas that are already put together in kits, you just have to do them (Target is GREAT for this, I got some GREAT stuff there around Christmas time!) In my experience these kits have been cheap (I haven't spent more than $5 for a single kit), and easy. Perfect for younger children.
We also do a lot of collages. I go through newspapers and magazines, give her stickers, etc. My nieces were visiting a couple of weeks ago, and we collected things outside and in all of the places where we went. They are both school-aged children, and they were assigned to keep a journal of what they did while they were on vacation. I figured this would be a good thing for all three girls to do together, and that they could bring these posters to school in addition to their journals..
Parenting magazines and the internet also have wonderful ideas. For example: Try to google things like "homemade playdough" or "homemade finger paint" and you'll get hundreds of thousands or even millions of results.
If you have children in preschool or school, you can also take ideas away from the things they're doing there as well.
I will do a better job from now on to share the things that we do together in order to share my own ideas with you, but I just wanted to share how I get them.
Don't forget about my giveaway: http://themomshow.blogspot.com/2012/03/my-own-very-first-giveaway.html It ends in about an hour. And I will post the winner in another blog post.
Also, please like me on facebook and share my blog and facebook page: www.facebook.com/themomshow
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